Monday, August 8, 2011

Time to Bust Out the Popcorn

Picture courtsey of:

So, let me tell you about this cool new thing that I got. It's called the GoFlex Satellite. It's basically a wireless network that you can link up all of your media to. People can access it through their WiFi and you can share your media with your friends in little to 0 seconds. Bam. Awesome, right? I like it because you don't have to keep uploading all of your business to every single piece of technology that you can get your hands on. You just put it on this satellite and then people can download it right to their iPad--or whatever--and access it through the Seagate Media app. (BTW, this app is FREE and who doesn't enjoy buying a product that doesn't need a bunch of expensive add-on accessories?!?) And, GET THIS: This device is totally geared towards iPad users. But, I use it with my iTouch and my PC and it's absolutely fabulous! So, not an iPad user? Not a problem.

One thing that I don't like about this satellite is that it can get cluttered with all of the sample video and pictures. But, have no fear! You can totally delete those and then just go back onto YouTube and find them again. ( I would recommend not deleting any of the set-up software documents, though. That may be a mistake that could cost you another $200 to buy a completely new satellite... Speaking of the software that it comes with, it kinda stinks. No offense, I mean. But, seriously? It really just works better to put your media directly onto the satellite. And then, there's the fact that it's not the best thing if you're a movie/picture freak. Here's a little advice: stick to using this device for mostly video. You can upload up to 300 videos on this device which will then free up a lot of storage space on your iWhatever. Then, just use your iWhatever for all of your pictures and music. You can still take all of them wherever you go because, oh yeah, I forgot to mention that this satellite is totally portable. I just stick it in my purse, pull it out, and watch what I've uploaded whenever I want to. No catch. And, awesome fact about it #143: you can also take this satellite with you in the car! Road trip where everyone wants to watch a different movie?!? BARRRRRING! No problem. Bust out the GoFlex Satellite and their wish is your command. Take note that only 3 people can access this device at the same time so it's not key for big parties/social events. Unless your guests aren't very picky. And, if you're not interested in inviting picky guests, you probably shouldn't invite your satellite... What I mean is that it's kind of picky when it comes to which videos formats it will allow. There is an instructional video that suggests different formatting programs to use when trying to fix this. I'm working on finding one that works without basically costing you your house. Hopefully, I will help you conquer the world before bedtime. But, no promises... So, yes, it's awesome. Yes, it's got some kinks. But, yes, it's worth it.

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