Thursday, July 14, 2011

Common Sense is Key

Let me be honest for a second. There are times when technology and I are not BFFs. Times when I really wish that these devices weren't so expensive so that I could demolish them into a million pieces to let them know how much they are really upsetting me. Well, I'm assuming that I'm not the only one who feels like that at least on some occasions and so, I've come up with a few tips and tricks to ease the transition from mortal enemies to cordial acquaintances.

Step #1: Breathe.
Patience really is key when you are working with technology. If you get impatient and frustrated with it, then you're going to get nowhere. Take a deep breath and even step away from the device if you need to. Go for a walk or take a nap or chow down on some popcorn. Clear your head so you can handle it calmly.

Step #2: Task Manager!
Do you ever have those days when your computer feels like your best friend who is having a terrible day but just won't stop complaining about it?!? Like, when you get onto the Internet, and the connection is slow and the program isn't responding, and then you try to exit out of it and it's too busy complaining about how it's not working to actually shut down. Well, let me introduce you to my friend, the Task Manager. Basically, this program is the end button on your cell phone that lets you end the conversation without getting into too much trouble with your whining friend. For PC users, all you have to do is press (at the same time) Ctrl, Alt, and Delete. Try it out! The Task Manager should open up. Once it's displayed on your screen, a list of the programs that you are running will come up. Best part: It'll tell you which ones are "running" and which ones are "not responding" (Not like it really needs to tell you. You already know which programs are not responding. Duh dumb computer!) Then, to close those stubborn programs, all you do is click on them and then click the "End Task" button. To highlight multiple programs at a time, you hold down the "Ctrl" button which clicking on the unresponsive programs. Then, click "End Task" and say "Bye, bye frustration."(Unfortunately, I'm not a Mac user but, if you are and you'd like to shed some wisdom on this situation with how to use the Task Manager for Macs, feel free to enlighten us in the comment box!)

Step #3: Turn it off.
If everything is freezing and nothing is going right, just turn the computer off!!! Press and hold the power key or unplug the power cord if you must; just turn the computer off! Let it sit for a little bit and then come back to it. Computers are just like humans; whenever we've had a long day, it's completely useless to even think about sprinting a million miles to the moon. We're too tired. What we really need to do is sit down, take our shoes off, and relax for 30 seconds. Computers are the same way. After it's been working for a while, it gets temperamental and needs a break. LET IT HAVE A BREAK! Save whatever you're doing and shut the computer down. Let it be for a few minutes and then come back to it. It basically acts like a power nap. Turn it back on and it'll be ready to go again.
*Disclaimer: This pulling out the whole power cord method isn't really endorsed by technological goo-roos. And, that's okay. But, for the normal person who doesn't know how to import the Greek Alphabet into the Fundamental Theory of Calculus, it works. But, it should probably be a last resort. Just, be smart, okay? Make sure that you're not unplugging important things and that you don't blow a fuse or catch on fire. Sound good? Awesome. :)

So, while these things don't work as sure-fire ways to get fix any of the major problems, they're a good place to start. Enjoy!

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